
Friday, April 30, 2010

"I don't suck"

I have wanted to start one of these for a long time. But I never did in fear of the fact that I might not have anything interesting to say. But I think the benefit of sending some thoughts out into the cosmos will be worth the risk of being thought of as boring. Haha.
So here is what my mind in on today...Is it just me or is everyone getting married? Geese laweeze. Everywhere I look there is another sparkly diamond being waved in my face. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them I really am. Everyone deserves that time when it comes. I just can't help but notice how vastly different the lives of almost everyone my age are than mine.
So what. I got married. It didn't quite work out the way I planned. So now I'm starting over. Well, I have been starting over for almost two years now. But somedays the uphill battle feels a little more steep than others. Especially when other people...are getting married. Granted, I think it's good that I'm not right now, I'm not ready for it...again haha. SO...I resolve to accept the fact that I am in a different place than my friends are. I am my own person, and I will do things in my OWN time. And I'm ok with that. I'll keep telling myself that ;) Mr. Sloman, my musical theatre teacher, said the best mantra in the world. My new official mantra. "I don't suck. I don't suck. I don't suck."