
Friday, August 24, 2012

DIY: Add a Little Color to your Life!

I was in a decorating mood recently, and I was getting real tired of the only color in my room besides the green walls being purple. I needed something bright, fun, and vibrant! So I decided to DO IT MYSELF and add some color. The first thing I did were these awesome jars! A couple of them are mason jars from Joann's, but the others are old spaghetti sauce or jelly jars that I just washed out...

A little acrylic paint on the INSIDE of the jars...and voila! I loved the way all the colors turned out. Most of them I mixed to make just the right shade I wanted. So cute, so functional, and so easy. I also sprayed a little clear spray paint on the inside of them after they were dry to help protect them.

And onto my desk...which needed some serious sprucing. So, some new knobs from Anthropologie's sale bucket for only 3 bucks a piece...

And some sanding and yellow spray paint on an old dingy kitchen chair...

And I'm instantly cheerful every time I look at my desk =)

The last project was the easiest, and cheapest of them all...I got some frames from the dollar store...

Poor ugly little frames...A little acrylic paint that I already had, (I mixed some custom colors for that too) and...

Beautiful, colorful frames to show off my adventures, and loved ones! So...get to it! Is your room feeling drab? Nothing a little paint and some imagination wont fix ;)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Awesome Beach Hike, Adventure No. 6!!

"So, Summer, I have an idea. How 'bout you just never end...cuz I need more days like today. K thanks" =)

Today was an awesome day at the beach with my friends Brian and Caleb. Uh Brian...I guess you are the most adventurous person I know far you are winning by a landslide. Anybody else wanna compete? Let's go have an adventure together =)

The day started with a trip to Neptune's Net for some grub, the we went to Pt Magu and spent some time on the beach. The water was cold...but a nice break from this crazy humid weather we have been having lately!

After that Brian suggested we go for a hike, he warned me it was pretty intense...but I was stoked to go =) And actually it was kinda an intense hike, but sooo fun and worth it. I just had to not think about the fact that if my foot or fingers slipped I would fall to my death. =) First we had to shimmy sideways on this crazy wall by our tip toes and fingertips...

Yeah see the side of that? We were just kinda clinging to it for dear life and shimmied on over =)
And then there were the balance beam moments...

But man, they were worth the views!

We even saw some pretty cool fossils...

And met some new friends...

I had never touched a sea anemone before! It was so cool how they suction cupped themselves to your fingers! I liked to think of it as their way of shaking hands. I introduced myself to as many of them as possible. =)

It was such a fun day. And I was so proud of myself after this hike! Brian even said I was one of the most willing people he had ever taken on this hike! I felt very brave =)

You know looking at all of God's amazing creation really makes me think...what a considerate God we have. In the last few months God has given me SO many reminders and cool opportunities to show me his love, provision, and that He is my ultimate source of joy. Really, He is the greatest adventurer of them all. I can't wait to continue to honor the fact that I'm made in His image and be the best adventurer I can be.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

LA Art Walk, Adventure No, 5!

Hey Guys!

I'm here with my next adventure today...No 5! (Look at me go!) This last week my good friend Laura and I (also my awesome biking partner!) went to downtown LA to experience the Art Walk. This was something both of us have literally wanted to do for years...and never had. Why do people do that? Well no more! We went, and had an awesome time!

See, look how happy we are! =)

This was a day full of lot's of laughs, and new inside jokes. We definitely met some...interesting people and saw some...interesting art. =) A lot of it, however, was pretty awesome!

And when your walking in downtown, there is always something interesting to see.

This amazing spot we found completely by accident after riding the Angels Flight Railway. (Which was so adorable) It's the "Shortest Railway in the World" and dates back to 1901. 50 cents, and you've got a ride! After our ride we were on top of the Water Plaza, and amazing outdoor show venue that has free performances all awesome is that? Next adventure? Yes please. =)

We found this amazing art outside by accident as well. Oh the things you find when you're wandering around downtown LA at night. I even made a friend.

If you guys ever get a chance to, you've gotta go down to the art walk. There is tons of awesome art to see, food and drinks to have, outdoor shops to look at, people to meet, and places to explore! I'm so glad I finally did what I said I wanted and had this great experience!

Monday, August 6, 2012

DIY ART! (Bucket List Item #1 down!)

Hey guys!

It's been awhile since I posted, I know. But I was on our high school's summer camp with all the students this last week. I had a great time on the DELTA! It was great to try new things, relax, connect with the girls, and rough it!

While I have always been a pretty outgoing person, I definitely need my "me" time to refresh me. So after a week of being surrounded by a hundred people with no where to hide (no offense guys, you're all awesome) I had a nice evening in last night. It was just me, some music, and a lot of paint! It was glorious =)

I've been wanting to replicate this picture I saw on pinterest for a while now. So I finally tackled it. The point was to not spend any money, so while this inspiration piece has four canvases, I accomplished a similar look using just two.


Pretty, Huh? So I rolled up my sleeves, and gave it a go! Here is my version...

TA DA!! What do you guys think? I was so happy to get this done finally. And what makes me even more happy...I put doing this painting on my bucket list! (I needed some things that I could do right away with my budget on there) So I can now go to my wall and take one item off! Woo hoo!