
Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Have a nice Day!"

After finishing a long ten hr work day yesterday, I thought it would be appropriate to write a post on my new job...Costco! The ten hrs I will admit also included my last shift at Forever 21. The job was good for me for the time being but....wait let's be honest. The only good part about that job was the girls I worked with and the teeeeeny discount I got. It was an easy job, but a very low paying job! So now I am embarking on new territory. I am putting on my hairnet and heading into battle! Ok so may be it isn't as exciting as battle, but there are definitely times when I am under attack by members! I got a member card thrown at me yesterday. (And only two weeks in! I feel very proud). My job mainly consists of taking members orders, and getting the food that they need. (Or sometimes the food that they don't...hey it's only my second week). I promptly end my exchange with the member with a "Thank you! Have a nice day!" Which I have quickly learned means..."We're done here! Please get out of my line as quickly as possible and sort the bills in your wallet somewhere else!" It's hard, it's greasy, but it paaaays! I bought a new dress to wear to the film festival showing. Somehow those steam burns from the hot dog holder seem a little more worth it...

1 comment:

  1. I often get food I don't need, but that's my own fault, so don't feel bad!! And hey, working with an "up do" and a hair net sounds glam, lol! (love your blog!!)
