
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Season of Saving

Cha ching!

Yeah, that's a sound I don't hear too often.
And that's OK. As long as I'm super responsible with the little money I make. Right. I'm graduating in February, so I thought it was high time to get some savings going. What I'm realizing is...every. penny. counts. No really. Even pennies. I just had to change my mind's one more penny than I had before. So pick up those pennies you see on the ground! Than put it in the jar and don't think about it till it's a jar full of pennies. I have a piggy bank just for silver change.

No, your eyes don't lie...that is, in fact a TRON piggy: ready for a light cycle battle at any second. My amazing boyfriend, Apollo mad it for me for our five month anniversary. I love TRON, I love pigs, and I needed to save money. It was the perfect gift.

I also have another bowl thats just for pennies. Ok so I know with all the plastic we use today, there is very little change in circulation. But the little change I do have...goes in the jar and starts to multiply!

Here are some other ways to save/make money that I collected...

1. Make your own coffee. (Check! Some hazelnut creamer, and I'm in homemade Starbucks heaven!)
2. Brown bag it! (Most likely a healthier choice, too!
3. Hang on to that car! Take care of your vehicle to avoid nasty repair fees. (I'm working on this one...I recently went about 8,000 miles before an oil change, no bueno.
4. Recycle! (This is especially good if you drink a lot of canned soda in the house!
5. Bottle your own water. (A dollar, sometimes two for WATER? No thank you.)
6. If you are in Simi Valley, I know we have a $3 theatre. You only have to wait a little longer than normal to see the latest movies.
7. Get rid of that land line. Who wants telemarketers, anyway?
8. Grow a garden. (Ok how cute would that be? And not paying for your veggies? OK!) This site is a great guide!
9. Oatmeal...cheaper, and healthier than cereal.
10. Cut the cable. ( I know, I know..but come on, Hulu? Netflix? Movies? Board games..CONVERSATION?? The possibilities are endless.
11. CLIP Coupons! ( We've all heard of the show.)
12. Pass out fliers in your neighborhood and offer to walk dogs. (Not just for teens anymore. Exercise+cash!)
13. Do you take good pictures? There is a website called (Sorry for no hyperlink, they aren't working for some reason) where if accepted, they will post your picture, any time someone downloads it, you get 25 cents!
14. Sell your crafts! Knitting, paper crafts, jewelry, it can call be found on
15. Take surveys online! Another website called pays members to test products, and the answer questions about them.

Alright so those are just a few...but I thought I would get the ball rolling. How do you save money?


  1. Hey girl! I love your blog! It's fun isn't it? I save money by getting my allowance in cash and then allotting it for the weeks I have it. I used to use an envelope system for dividing what I spend where. Worked for me! It helps that my husband is awesome with budgeting money!

  2. Natalia...good idea! I bet seeing your money all in cash helps you not spend mindlessly. I'm totally doing this! Sometimes I swipe that card a little too fast. Thank you!
