
Friday, November 11, 2011

DIY Microdermabrasion!

I'm always looking for the next thing to help my skin look amazing and radiant and just like those girls in the skin ads who have no wrinkles and their face is all one color. Right.

I know I will never have those kind of glorious airbrush results (*sigh) but tonight...I came close!
I hate wearing makeup. But when I was in 7th grade I snuck into my mom's makeup case and packed on every single form of makeup I could find. I've been wearing it ever since. So stepping out of the house without my usual mask can sometimes be a little scary. I wish I could just wake up in the morning and have the skin tone I do once a layer of clown makeup-er-foundation is put on.

I've been hearing a lot about microdermabrasion and what it can do for your skin. I've also heard a lot about the price tag that comes with it. So, I decided to DIY and actually DO something I pinned on Pintrest (Gasp!)

Two words. Brown Sugar. Yes my friends, brown sugar is more than yummy goodness, it is amazing for your skin! All I did was make a paste with some brown sugar and a little thing I like to call H2O. I just gently rubbed the paste on in a circular motion for about three minutes and viola!! Skin like a baby's behind! Now, it started to hurt a very, very tiny bit after two minutes or so...but I believed in the system! Also, lot's of sites say to stay away from the under eye area. However, I get small bumps and a lot of dryness under my eyes so I just swiped the paste there with as little pressure as I could, and only did it once or twice.

My. Skin. Feels. Amazing.
And it has a lovely glow because of all the layers of skin that I said goodbye to. You guys gotta try this. I'm gonna keep it up and do it a couple of times a week and see if I start to see any major long term results and report back!

What are some of your fun beauty secrets?

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