
Thursday, November 10, 2011

In The Words of Michelle Karim: "Whoops!"

Alright, alright, alright...

So this blog has taught me something very important about myself.

I'm not very good at finishing things. Like goal lists...or scarves turned blankets...or blogs.

But like they say when you fall off a horse...something something something. Right.

So a lot has happened since I last wrote. Let's see....

1. I started dating an AMAZING guy named Apollo. Eight months now =)
This is his facebook page:!/apollobukowski... Pretty cute, right? I know. =)

2. I'm graduating in, wait for it...3 1/2 months!! Woo hoo! I am so excited!! Thanks AMDA it's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been...well anyway. Ok really though, the teachers at AMDA are some of the most amazing, inspirational people I have ever met. Its just time to be a big girl and move on.

3. I never finished the scarf turned blanket. I started working on it again last week. DON'T judge me.

4. My credit card is paid off in FULL! (Do I hear angels singing?)

5. I am taking an entrepreneurship class which is totally helping me organize the right way and write up a business plan for my canvases. I even have a name already. hARTful designs. My good friend Charles is making a logo for me. Whata guy!

6. I have recently gotten over my fear of force. Apollo has had quite the battle with some nasty kidney stones. So it was either be a horrible girlfriend and say "Sorry babe, you're on you're own!" or suck it up and take care of my man! The things we do for love... But I am super happy. And super happy that he is now on the road to recovery.

7. I've been a vegetarian for the last 4-5 months now. But I ate a teeny bit of meat the past two nights so I can get my body used to it again because well, the Holidays are coming. I. Just. Can't. Help. Myself.

So, shall we call this take two? It's ok. I believe that all of us have the ability to commit to a project and focus in us somewhere...

1. Eggs
2. Milk
3. Dog food

Oh. Sorry. I was just writing my grocery list. Anyways. The latest upcoming fun thing? A Christmas dinner at my place! I'm so excited! I'm rolling up my sleeves once more and heading into the kitchen full of furver...and fear. =) So, I thought I would ask, what is your favorite food during the holidays?

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